Category Archives: Cell Phones
iPhone 4 Airplay issues
I’m having issues with airplay on my iPhone 4. When I come home from work I don’t get an airplay button when playing music. I’ve tried killing the music app, but no dice. Only thing that brings it back is … Continue reading
iOS 4.2 stole my music! No Content?
iOS4.2 stole my music! Updated to iOS 4.2 last night, plugged into car this morning…no music. I checked general settings/about and it shows 881 songs, but nothing shows up. More to come…
iPhone 4: Proximity Sensor sadness
Okay Apple. I like my iPhone 4, but I’m not willing to deal with this much longer. There are plenty of other fish in the sea. I saw the 4.0.2 update yesterday and was filled with joy…until I read what … Continue reading
iPhone – Application Updates
I get application update notifications on my iPhone ALL THE TIME. Often, it’s notifying me of an update that is older than the version I have installed. Also, the updates NEVER work. Help Please!!! Update 11/4/2008: I’ve deleted the problematic … Continue reading
Treo 650 call waiting and hold call problems, here’s how I “fixed” it!
I was never able to use my call waiting function on my unlocked GSM Treo 650. It always froze up until one of the lines disconnected. Here’s how I fixed it: Call AT&T (I’m a former Cingular customer) and have … Continue reading
Using the latest Mobile Gmail app on a Treo 650!
Having trouble installing your mobile Gmail app on your Treo 650? Getting java.lang.Error? I was too…here is how I remedied it. (Updated 8/3/2007) Install the IBM Java VM using PalmOne Quick Install: Reset the phone by taking off the … Continue reading