iPhone 4: Proximity Sensor sadness

Okay Apple. I like my iPhone 4, but I’m not willing to deal with this much longer. There are plenty of other fish in the sea. I saw the 4.0.2 update yesterday and was filled with joy…until I read what it addresses. Fix the proximity sensor soon…or I’m moving to Android.

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Outlook Today script error

Have you ever gotten a script error “278” when you click on Outlook Today? Today I ran into this issue. The solution was pretty easy for me. Here are my steps:

  1. Go to the Control Panel and select Programs and Features (or Add/Remove Programs)
  2. Select the Microsoft Office installation
  3. Select the Change button at the top of the list
  4. Select the Repair option

Once it was completed I was prompted to restart my computer and Outlook Today was working without script errors.

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Outlook favorite folders missing

Have you ever lost your Outlook favorite folders in the left menu? Click on the “Mail” button at the bottom of the menu and watch them magically reappear!

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Pick of the week for 7/12/2010

Though I’d post a little review for the Logitech EX 100 wireless keyboard/mouse. For the price, it’s hard to beat. Way to go Logitech.

  1. The keys are light and responsive
  2. The wireless setup just plugs in and “works”
  3. Good battery life


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Kids, kids, kids…

So, I was working on a Core 2 Duo iMac that was “slow” and had a non-functioning Superdrive. After ordering a new drive that showed up DOA, I decided to crack open the old drive. Low and behold, there was a random piece of inch long plastic gumming up the works. Pull it out and voila! Working Superdrive.

Kids do the darnedest things…

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Can’t install Windows Updates after spyware removal

I had an issue where a computer wouldn’t install windows updates after I removed some spyware and viruses on it. Specifically, I couldn’t get the computer to install one of the KB packs and it blue screened during a Windows XP Service Pack 3 install (scary). Luckily, Windows reverted itself correctly to SP2. After that scare I booted into safe mode and ran SP3. Success! Now windows updates are applying successfully again.

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Spyware Removal

These are some of my favorite tools:

Spyware Doctor

I especially like the way MalwareBytes installs/runs in safe mode.

What are yours?

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Dell 2335DN

I’m the proud owner of a Dell 2335DN multifunction printer. It is by far the best printer I’ve ever owned. It’s maxed out on RAM (384MB) and has the optional second tray. It is a night and day improvement over the 1815DN we were using. My favorite feature…the fax forward option. When a fax comes in it automatically saves it to a pdf and forwards it to me. Oh, that’s nice.

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Outlook not updating with new emails from Exchange server

Having issues with Outlook not updating as new emails are received on Windows XP? Does an Exchange server host the email? Try adding a firewall exception for Outlook.exe on your client computers. Works like a charm!

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Streamlining Vista

These are the performance tuning steps I usually take after a fresh install of Windows Vista:

  1. Disable System Restore
  2. Adjust for best performance (System Properties-Advanced Tab, Performance)
  3. Disable User Account Control
  4. Pick one or the other: Google Desktop or Windows Indexing (most Dell computers have Google Desktop installed by default)

These are great actions to take on slower and/or less graphically capable computers. Everything just seems to pop once these changes are made. Far more responsive…and much more of a Windows XP look and feel.

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